Blue Bees Therapeutics develops immunomodulatory proteins with therapeutic potential to fight cancer
Blue Bees Therapeutics is a biotechnology company founded in 2022, dedicated to the development of first-in-class immunotherapies for the treatment of cancers, based on a breakthrough technology discovered by the team led by Dr Michel Léonetti, within the Department of Pharmacology and Immunoanalysis from CEA Paris-Saclay.
This technology allows to generate antibodies stimulating the anti-tumor immune response via a double cell receptor targeting coupled with heparan sulphate proteoglycans (HSPG).
The company also obtained support from BPI France, being laureate of i.Lab, allowing the financing of our i.Ther discovery platform for the identification of new lead candidates alongside bio-better drugs.
Immunotherapeutic drugs based on antibodies have considerable potential in oncology, which is evidenced by the spectacular successes obtained in the treatment of certain cancers (melanoma, lung, etc.).
However, the treatments currently available on the market have the disadvantage of only working for 10 to 60% of patients and are not without side effects. These limits have paved the way for the definition of new therapeutic immunomodulators proposed by Blue Bees Therapeutics.